help for holiday depression, depression and anxiety during the holidays

Boy, am I ever Suzy Sunshine – let’s talk about help for holiday depression! Actually, depression is very real and very serious especially at the holidays. 

For many of us, the holidays are full of family, friends and joy. For others, the holidays bring on deep sadness, anxiety and self-reflection (which can easily turn into self-loathing).


What Causes Holiday Depression?

There are lots of triggers at this time of the year. Many of the causes may not affect you and roll right off your back but for someone who’s prone to depression (and anxiety), these triggers could send them down the rabbit hole.

Some triggers are:

  • Job stress
  • Financial stress
  • Not being with family during the holidays
  • Sleeping problems and fatigue
  • High holiday expectations and disappointment

This is really the tip of the iceberg and it’s easy to tell someone to get a different job; just hang out with friends or – the absolute worst – “what do you have to be depressed about? Snap out of it!”

Please don’t do that.

Depression and anxiety are invisible but very real forms of dis-ease. It may not be sadness that’s the obvious symptom. It could be headaches, fatigue, disrupted sleep or over-indulging in alcohol and food.

Feeling especially cranky and aggravated this time of the year? Depression may be your culprit.

Help For Holiday Depression

So, what can you do if this happens to you during the holidays?  help for holiday depression, essential oils for depression,

  1. Learn to set boundaries. Seriously, Saying yes to too many parties and over-extending yourself with holiday “chores” simply makes the situation worse.
  2. Make time for yourself. If your best friend was struggling, wouldn’t you show him/her compassion? Then please have compassion with yourself and take care of you. Yes, it’s called self-care for a reason.
  3. Do something different this year. Are you dreading the same old holiday tradition? Do what you can to start a new tradition of some sort. Yes, I know there are family obligations but even a minor change can soothe your outlook.
  4. Watch your alcohol intake. While alcohol may temporarily numb the depression, in the long run, it makes the situation far worse.
  5. Lower your holiday expectations a bit. We tend to think our holidays should look like a Norman Rockwell painting, when in reality, it’s more like All In The Family.

I’m not trying to make light of a difficult situation. Holidays are hard. Putting all your energy into one day saps you and sets you up for a let down. It happened to me for many years and ultimately, I had to stop watching so much TV because my life never looked like the Christmas commercials!

Depression is an area where aromatherapy makes a huge difference. Peaceful Ease Aromatherapy Rollerball is specifically for situational depression. The pure essential oils in this blend helps to balance your emotions and enhance your mood.

If Peaceful Ease isn’t right for you, then please get yourself a bottle of pure Bergamot – it’s amazing for depression.

Please let me know how I can help you. Fill out this contact form today and let’s talk.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas!



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