Recently, I had the honor of presenting aromatherapy to a wonderful group of ladies interested in a more graceful menopause journey. The main presenter was someone who struggled with her journey and found very little reliable information about menopause. using aromatherapy for menopause
Even if you’re in your thirties and not ready to start this next chapter of your aging process, it’s still worth reading about alternatives to synthetic hormone replacement therapy.
It seems that nobody is willing to have an honest conversation about the changes that occur. Especially when it comes to sex and body changes.
Ladies, it’s important to talk to your mother and your daughters about this new chapter of life. It’s time to have honest conversations instead of simply throwing drugs at the issue. It’s really important – and long past time – to know that menopause is NOT the end of life. Instead, it’s the beginning of a beautiful new chapter.
Throughout my life, it’s been a joke that a woman having a *tough* moment must be going through menopause.
Ya’ll, I’m calling bullshit on that.
I walked away from the presentation with my eyes opened. Some of the information I knew and in other cases, well, let’s just say I was shocked! That’s why I wanted to write about menopause – to give you options and alternatives. The more information you have, the better decision you will make about your own body.
The information you’ll find here is very general in nature – it’s important to talk with your medical professional if you’re recognize any changes.
What Is Menopause?
Menopause is NOT an illness – it’s the natural progression of aging. Period. You’re not sick, your body is simply going through changes.
Menopause is the natural and permanent cessation of your period and marks the end of your fertility. Usually, after you’ve missed 12 consecutive periods, your menopause journey has begun in earnest.
Often, you begin seeing changes and symptoms in your late thirties or early forties. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule – so it’s important for you to have a medical professional that you trust.
Your medical professional may immediately prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but not all women can or should go this route.
If estrogen-based cancers (primarily breast cancer) run in your family, HRT may not be the best choice. Or maybe you simply don’t want to take HRT.
It’s your body – you have a choice!
Symptoms of Menopause
Some of the symptoms of menopause are:
- irregular periods
- hot flashes
- night sweats
- thinning hair
- changes in sleep patterns
- weight gain
- mood changes and swings
- vaginal dryness
Sounds like a lot of fun, eh?
There are still some doctors that automatically recommend synthetic HRT and a hysterectomy. This is one time when you REALLY need to get a second opinion.
One of the facts I heard at the presentation I attended is that nearly 20% of all hysterectomies are needless!
You night not appreciate what I’m about to say, but hear me out. Women are still very much marginalized in a doctor’s office. Okay, not as much as in years past, but it still happens.
That’s why it’s so important to have a doctor that you trust! A doctor who is willing to discuss all of the options out there besides HRT and hysterectomies.
Women are used as cash cows in this instance – if 1 in 5 hysterectomies are needless, what does that tell you?
What Are Other Options?
Here are some of the options to look into before making a decision about HRT or a hysterectomy:
How Aromatherapy Can Help You Through Menopause
Aromatherapy is ideal for any woman who needs a natural alternative to HRT. There are several different products at Scented Balance to help you live more gracefully through menopause.
Flares n’ Flashes Hot Flash Spray is a blend of oils specifically to cool you down and help balance your body.
MenoPause Aromatherapy Rollerball is perfect for balancing your roller coaster emotions.
VagiMagic Intimate Dryness Moisturizer helps with vaginal dryness which can actually be very dangerous.
Sleepytime Lotion aids your changing sleep habits. It readies your body and mind for healthy sleep.
Magnesium Oil for constipation, sore muscles and healthy blood pressure.
Each of these products provides a safe, effective and natural tool to help you through this time of change.
True Beauty
Society has programmed women to believe that we are no longer vibrant and productive after menopause. THAT IS SO WRONG!
You are a vibrant, beautiful and sexy woman – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Listen, beautiful women come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. It doesn’t matter what happens on the outside, it’s your inner beauty that makes you a phenomenal human being.
I am NOT “less than” simply because I can’t pop out babies on demand. So the message I want to bring to you is that menopause is a new chapter in your journey and you are beautiful!
Don’t ever forget that.
Please take a moment to share this post with your friends and family – I’d like to get the word out that it’s time for an honest conversation about menopause.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.