brain fart, on brain farts and having fun, how to be happy, nonsense, habit of fun

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescopeWhich is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.
Dr. Seuss

The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.
Robert Frost


It’s Monday, y’all and…jeez…I’m having a brain fart. Sometimes, I’m just too busy putting out fires to go look for a new firetruck.

I’m sitting here trying desperately to remember what I was going to write about today and I’m stuck.

Really stuck.

What To Do When You Have A Brain Fart

So I started thinking about why I might be stuck and having a brain fart. Then it struck me – sometimes we all get into such a rut with life in general, that we forget to take time for the fun stuff. When you forget to do the fun stuff, your brain gets into cruising gear and that’s all you do – you move through life on autopilot.

We get so  caught up in making sure the laundry is done and getting dinner on the table (amongst other things), that we don’t think about having some fun – even if it’s about having fun in your dreams.

What kind of nonsense can you throw at your brain to shake things up? Why not:

  • skip the nightly news and give your doom and gloom factor a break.
  • wear two different shoes or a big funky hat to dinner with your kids (whether or not you leave the house looking like that is up to you – LOL). One silly action can make all the difference in the world.
  • dance and sing your heart out to your favorite song with a hairbrush microphone – c’mon – be a real diva! Singing actually stimulates your thyroid.
  • walk through a door backwards. Did you know that doors trigger “event boundaries” and that’s one reason why we have brain farts?
  • Just unplug. For one hour. UNPLUG. The world will not fall off its’ axis because you stopped staring at your phone.
  • find a cool coloring book, your colored pencils and go outside. Just color. It’s not wasting time to rest and restore your vitality.

Kids have the amazing ability to have fun; they know how to be happy with the simple things in life. There’s a wonderful coloring book that I found online called Happiness and Contentment, Color and Relax. I love to get my colored pencils out and just color. Nothing else going on except to give my brain a break.

So, are you stuck? Did you forget to remember how to have fun? Did you disremember your dreams and goals? (I call forgetting “disremembering.”)

Sometimes when you’re stuck, it’s because your fun and dreams took a back seat to everything else in life. Maybe you’re hyper-focused on reaching the next level? Just like any other routine, you got out of the habit.

Let’s get back into the habit of fun!

Your fun quotient is critical to staying young, soothing stress and clearing out the mental clutter. Having fun brings a smile to your face and that’s always a good thing!

Make it a habit to take care of your fun quotient – have a brain fart once in a while – look at life through the wrong end of the telescope! Have you gotten so wrapped up in everyday living that you forgot or misplaced your dreams and goals?

While I do appreciate where I’m at in life, reality can be grim – fun, sweet magic and dreams makes it easier to live with reality and laugh at life, if only for a moment in time.

I’m sure everyone has mental setbacks or reversal of brain cells at any given moment (gawd, I hope I’m not the only one!) and that’s when you know you need to take a mental break and have a moment of fun or play in your dreams – anything to get out of your stuckness. By the way – I’m making stuckness my new word of the day.

I started talking to a friend about my brain fart – and while she was trying to help me get back on track, we started laughing so hard about brain farts that it got me out of my daily what-do-I-need-to-be-doing-right-now routine and voila – blog! Ah yes, white wine does fuel creativity!

Raise your glass and let’s make a toast to brain farts! Now, back to that blog…what was I writing about?

I’m so grateful for your visit this week – please take a moment to leave your comments and share with your friends!



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