Loving Kindness Meditation,

Today, I’d like to take a moment to share some loving kindness with you. I ran across the Loving Kindness Meditation – I used to recite it quite often, but I let that beautiful habit slide. It came across my newsfeed recently and stopped me in my tracks!

If you’re like me, trying to meditate is like attempting to bathe a cat. There’s wiggling all over the place, it’s frustrating and nothing really gets accomplished. 


But this I can do!

Maybe meditation or prayer just isn’t your cup of tea, but you’re looking for something to ease into your day when you wake up.

It’s a short and sweet mindfulness meditation that takes all of 15 seconds to say either out loud or silently.

The benefits of meditation are proven to promote health in many ways. Just think – meditation may keep you off pills down the road, and yes, aromatherapy is perfect for this.

Benefits of Meditation

Even if you can’t sit down and meditate for 20 minutes at a pop, there are benefits to meditating for even a few moments.

Aromatherapy and Meditation

The use of pure essential oils is proven to help with anxiety and stress and can help you relax enough to meditate for a few minutes at a time. Even though I’m not real good at meditating, I keep at it. This is the blend I use to help me quiet my mind and it’s also good before bedtime: 

Meditation Blend  mindfulness meditation

    • 10 drops Frankincense
    • 5 drops Oppopanax
    • 3 drops Myrrh
    • 1 ounce Jojoba Oil

Combine all ingredients in a small bottle and apply to your temples, inner wrists and heart area. If you’d rather diffuse this blend, simply add two drops of each essential oil (omit the jojoba oil) into your cold mist diffuser. 

If you’d like this blend but don’t have the oils on hand, simply to to Custom Blends in the Aromatherapy Shop and specify Meditation Blend. It’s $19.95 plus shipping (and tax if you’re in North Carolina).

This simple Loving Kindness Prayer is also good for self-care. I’m sending out many blessings to all of you today:

May you be happy

May you be healthy

May you be safe

May you live with ease



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